Saturday, January 6th
7:00PM GMT
Group Ride
The Inga Thompson Foundation was created in 2017 and this event will serve as awareness and fundraiser for the Foundation. Inga will attend the event where people can freely donate as well or sell their quality on with all proceeds going back to the Foundation
Concept: This will be a 1 hour fun Zwift Fun Ride to bring awareness to the new Inga Thompson Foundation. People can use to log into Zwift from their phone IOS system from IPhone or Mac.

To help raise funds for the Inga Thompson Foundation, we will incorporate a few avenues for people to donate cash, donate gear to be sold on with proceeds going directly toward the Foundation.

www.ingathompsonfoundation.comOpens a new window

Founded in 2017, the Inga Thompson Foundation, is a 501(3)c non-profit organization that supports competitive women cyclists through meaningful financial assistance thru a scholarship application, mentorship and promotion of ethical, drug-free competition in all sports.

Born out of Inga's vision to assist talented, hardworking, doping-free "clean" women athletes, the Inga Thompson Foundation enables outstanding, semi-professional road cyclists to focus solely on their training and competition throughout the year. The ITF provides these exceptional women athletes with meaningful financial endowments to cover their living – and racing – expenses throughout the year, as well as professional mentoring and networking to help guide their future success.