Thursday, May 2nd
10:00PM GMT
BMTR Faster Masters A/B Team Pursuit
Group Ride
The BMTR Faster Masters A/B Team Pursuit is a high-tempo endurance event offering a challenge for each group. The B group will start first and include a Ride Leader (yellow beacon). After a five minute warm-up at 3.0 w/kg the B group will hold a pace between 3.2 to 4.0 w/kg., with 4.0 being the maximum effort at the front.

The A group will start 3 minutes behind the B group. Expect the group power effort to be 4.2 w/kg and higher. Riders in the A group self-regulate, meaning, there is no ride leader. The A group will have no limits on watts or speed. Flyers are welcome, however, keep in mind a group of fast riders is usually faster and more efficient than one very strong rider off the front.

The goal of the B group is to maintain the advertised pace and keep the group together. The A group’s objective is to work as a team trying to catch the B group before the end of the ride. The 3 minute start time differential between the two groups may be adjusted from ride to ride to ensure a close finish.

If you find the B Group to be too slow, try the A group next time. If the A Group is too fast for you, join the B Group next ride to help form a larger draft.

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