Tuesday, March 21st
9:30AM GMT
Power2Tri Multisport Coaching - 8 Week Triathlon Base/Build (Phase 1)
Group Workout
This is Phase 2 of an off-season training block. These Tuesday rides are part of a series of 3 rides per week but the Tuesday rides will generally be focused on strength and muscular endurance. The other rides will be focused on form, efficiency, and endurance. Get in touch with Dave if you’re interested in the rest of the rides.

Dave D’Abrosca is the owner and head coach of Power2Tri Multisport and has coached athletes through 100s of races ranging from first timers though seasoned long course athletes.  Dave is USAT Level II Long Course and Ironman Certified.  In addition to Dave, Coach Gabe will occassinoally join and/or lead workouts.  Both of us are available for questions via www.power2tri-multisport.comOpens a new window.  You can follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/power2tri.multisport/Opens a new window.
All athletes start the workout at the same time and everyone executes the same workout which is automatically adjusted to their proper intensity.  Athletes are encouraged to have a recent FTP test to assure that workouts are having the desired effect.  All athletes regardless of power level will stay together in the group.  Athletes are encouraged to cheer on fellow cyclists as we work through the session.