Sunday, October 6th
3:15PM GMT
HPL Cycling Provincial+ Endurance Ride
Group Ride
HPL Cycling is the premiere masters cycling team based out of Saskatchewan, Canada. Check us out at www.hplcycling.caOpens a new window.

Each week we will ride at an endurance pace with focus and control. Riding as a disciplined group, sticking with the yellow beacon, is the goal. This ride is meant to be ridden at a zone 2 or zone 3 heart rate, helping to build your fitness over time.

The Category C group will hold an average speed of about 38-40kph, on the flats.
The Category D group will hold an average speed of about 35-37kph, on the flats.

Every 3 or 4 weeks the rides will increase in difficulty by changing the course to include more elevation. We challenge you to complete the full two hours.

Chances are there will not be an official sweeper. As a result, if you need help to catch back up, send a message to the group and perhaps someone will help pull you back up. If you are not successful at this and find yourself dropped, stick with it and finish the ride off in your zone 2 heart rate. As your fitness grows you will be able to stay with the group longer and longer.

Once you complete the ride we recommend cooling off with some stretching from www.DynamicCyclist.comOpens a new window . Use coupon code HPLCYCLING for 25% off of their programming.

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