Sunday, April 21st
10:15AM GMT
Mountain Massif's Mountain Mash Badge Grab
The new Mountain Mash route has been released and this is an opportunity to "grab the badge." You will also unlock the prestigious Mountain Massif kit along the way.

Unlike previous Mountain Massif events where there are categories, this event is literally a "free for all." It's simply a challenge to get to the top on this very short course and "grab the badge." Race it, or simply ride it, it's up to you, the objective is to "grab the badge." Good luck!

For more information about our events visit our website www.mountainmassif.comOpens a new window or join the Mountain Massif club on Zwift (Mountain Massif< a new window>). To record all your training data and chart your progress, consider using the TrainingPeaks app ( a new window>).
Mountain Massif's Mountain Mash Badge Grab - Race Results
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TimeGapWattsW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 secW/kg