Tuesday, May 7th
10:30PM GMT
EZR Keeping It EZ-er
Group Ride
EZ Riders Led by Paul Harig.

You can join us and chat away on Discord during our rides here: https://discord.gg/kmfS4YNOpens a new window (Please use Push-To-Talk, Para-Cyclists may use Voice activation to Talk)

Are you, new to Zwift, totally new to cycling, possibly recovering from an injury, or just prefer a lower-paced ride? All are welcome to join the EZ Riders (EZR) on this supportive and social event.

Respect the leader's pace and ride with the Yellow beacon. This is NOT A RACE! If you are struggling to stay with the Yellow beacon then please request assistance from one of our sweeps or ride buddies. At EZR, we believe no one should ride alone.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ZER.CyclingOpens a new window

#zer #ezr #ezriders