Sunday, May 5th
11:30AM GMT
Pride Ride
Group Ride
Join with members of the LGBTQ+ community as we Ride with Pride all year round! Our rides are social and everyone is welcome to join our rainbow party!

Rides are hosted by LGBTQ Zwifters Club. Our Club volunteers act as ride leaders and aim to maintain 1.6 - 1.8 W/Kg average pace. We encourage everyone to ride with the yellow beacon and enjoy being part of our rainbow blob, where you can also get involved in the ride chat! In some rides we may also have a sweeper who can provide extra assistance towards the back of the main group. Ride leaders may have quizzes or other fun stuff planned for you so please do get involved; occasionally we may use the rubberband to keep the group together so riders can focus on the fun! Our rides are inclusive, we value diversity and courage, and we are always respectful. Ride chat may involve LGBTQ+ topics so please come with an open heart and open mind.

If you want to learn more about what to expect on a Pride ride or find links to our Club and socials, please visit: a new window
Pride Ride (D) - Race Results
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