Wednesday, October 16th
10:05AM GMT
RO4H Wednesday Spin
Group Ride
The RO4H(Ride On 4 Health) Wednesday Spin Ride is a ride that has been organized for the many riders in the Zwift Community who wish to have a paced ride with friends and like-minded members of the community. The ride has not been organized as a workout ride but as a social gathering.

If you are a stronger rider who has joined the group to possibly support others or to support a friend you can help the group Leader and others by watching the back of the group for any rider struggling to stay with the main group and assist if needed.

The pace will be kept at a manageable level of between 1.0 to 1.5 W/Kg to attempt to have all riders finish together.

There are no rules apart from enjoy the ride and try not to ride ahead of the group leader.