Monday, March 25th
5:05PM GMT
REVO Climbers
Group Ride
Let's climb the Alpe! Join REVO teammates as we roll to the base of the Alpe as a group, and then riders may climb as fast or as slow as they'd like! Try to beat your time from your last attempt, or slow roll and take in the scenery.

Riders will take advantage of the group's draft during the lead-in to the Alpe, using it as a warm up to get your legs and lungs ready to CLIMB. The ride lead will regroup at a few key points (the first KOM banner, the entrance to the jungle, and finally - the base of the Alpe).

Once the majority of the group reaches the base of the Alpe, riders will climb at their own pace. Find someone close to your speed, support each other, and keep each other company for the remainder of the 90 minute ride.

When the 90 minute ride time is up, Zwift gives you the option to stay in Watopia even if everyone else is in another Zwift world. This allows you to finish your climb to the top if you choose. Happy climbing!

Complete this ride and unlock our Revolution Velo kit! Hosted by Revolution Velo Racing, a Zwift team for women. To hear about our upcoming rides, check out our Facebook Fans page at a new window