Saturday, January 25th
2:00PM GMT
XRS Races: Saturday Climbing Series
Welcome to the XRS Races: the Saturday Climbing series

Put on your climbing shoes and get ready to CLIMB - the clue is in the name, this is a challenging race that will test your mountain legs. No better way to train!


No powerups
No TT bikes
HRM mandatory
Cadence mandatory
No zPower
Only Power Meter and or Smart Trainers

Please select the correct category below (your FTP divided by your weight in kg):
(A) 4.0+ W/kg FTP
(B) 3.2 - 3.99 W/kg FTP
(C) 2.5 - 3.19 W/kg FTP
(D) 0 - 2.49 W/kg FTP


Results are available at www.zwiftpower.comOpens a new window - they will be available shortly after the race ends.
XRS Races: Saturday Climbing Series (A) - Race Results
Log in to view race results
DauerLückeWattW/kg20 Min.W/kg5 Min.W/kg15 SekW/kg