Tuesday, March 20th
5:55PM GMT
Watts Up Wheelers / Pyramid session 2 sets
Group Workout

This is a tough session of 2 sets of 3 pyramids. Each effort is zone 5 with high cadence, going up in time before dropping back down in time on the efforts.

Rest periods are short, so recovery is really tested here.

An absolute great workout for crit and track type events. Rest periods are short, so recovery is really tested here.

Warm Up 5 mins zone 1-4 <55-95 % FTP
Vo2 3 mins zone 5 110%FTP
Recover 2 mins zone 1 <55% FTP
Vo2 2 mins zone 5 110% FTP
Recovery 1 min zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 1 min zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 3 mins zone 1 <55% FTP
Vo2 2 mins Zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 3 mins zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 3 mins zone 5 110% FTP
Recovery 5 mins zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 3 mins zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 2 mins zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 2 mins zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 1 min zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 1 min zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 3 min zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 2 mins zone 5 110%FTP
Recovery 3 mins zone 1 <55%FTP
Vo2 3 mins zone 5 110%FTP
Cool Down 5 mins zone 3-1 70-<55%FTP


Watts Up Performance was founded by Andrew Roche after spending many years racing at international level. With 30 years racing experience including 7 years as a professional, he wanted to be able to share a wealth of knowledge with others and create some amazing cycling related services.

Some highlights of his racing career include competing in 7 Commonwealth games, winning the FBD Rás, and winning the Irish TT national championships.


Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event and once the event starts, workout mode begins. Everyone stays together regardless of power output. That's right, if you're outputting 100W and another Zwifter is outputting 400W you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall 6 meters behind the group will the rubber-banding stop.


We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level.

For more info on FTP go to: https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/articles/210208083-What-is-FTP-and-how-is-it-used-in-ZwiftOpens a new window