Monday, March 25th
12:15PM GMT
Magnum mOnDayZ RACE presented by Team ODZ
This is a group ride formatted to function more like a true road race. Ever get tired of Zwift races starting out with people jumping from go at 8.0 w/kg? This ride will roll neutral for 3.5 mile or 5.6 kilometers. You must stay with the ride leader which will have a yellow beacon, anyone sprinting off ahead will be DQ’d. This format will allow everyone to get up to speed as a peloton. Once the neutral distance has been reached the ride leader will announce that we are open and racing is on for the remainder, attack, counter attack suck wheels whatever you do best.

Save ride with ODZ and (Category) after race. i.e. Magnum ODZ (B). Go to a new window for a full description.

A: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
Magnum mOnDayZ RACE presented by Team ODZ (A) - Race Results
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TiempoVentajaVatiosW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 sW/kg