Tuesday, January 22nd
11:05PM GMT
Trek Women's Training Program
Group Ride
Cet événement est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
women only iconFemmes uniquement.
Rendez-vous sur www.support.zwift.com pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les règles de compétition.
Welcome to the Trek Women’s 10-Week Training Program! This training program is brought to by the Trek Women’s Advocate Program, a program striving to build a stronger women’s cycling community. If you are passionate about cycling and want to improve your cycling fitness, this program is for you!

This 10-Week training program will run from December 11th through February 26th. The women-only rides will occur each Tuesday at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. The December 25th and January 1st rides will NOT be held due to the holiday.

Rides will begin with a five minute warm-up at 2.0-2.2 w/kg, then transition into 2.2 to 3.0 w/kg for the remainder of the ride. These are Training rides and not races to please respect the pace of the ride, stay close to the leader and watch out for announcements on w/kg during the ride

The first three rides will take place on a flat course, the next three rides will take place on a rolling course and the final three rides on a hilly course. We will conclude the program with a women’s only race on February 26th.

Teresa DiSessa, a Trek Women’s Advocate and the owner of the Riptide-Cawes Women’s Cycling Team will be leading this program.

For more information about the Trek Women’s Advocate Program, please visit https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/womens_advocate/Opens a new window

For more information about the Riptide-Cawes Women’s Cycling Team and Teresa DiSessa please visit http://riptidecycling.com/index.htmlOpens a new window

Use our discord if you like to have a chat with the people on the ride and listen to leader advice.https://discord.gg/Dbqy8qpOpens a new window
