Tuesday, July 23rd
4:00PM GMT
Women's Training Ride with Coach Kirsten (Social & Training)
Group Ride
Cet événement est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
women only iconFemmes uniquement.
Rendez-vous sur www.support.zwift.com pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les règles de compétition.
Women's Ride with Coach Kirsten (Social & Training)
2 - 2.5 W/kg
Social & training ride

The goal of this ride is:

Ride together in a group & have fun
Make Zwift friends around the world & socialize
Receive support in your training
Become stronger on the bike

Everyone rides together in a group and is supportive of each other. We have lots of fun and tons of inspiration on this ride!! There is usually a subject for each ride where you will learn things you can use for your own inspiration and training.

Depending on the course you will have the choice of working on different aspects of becoming stronger on the bike like short climbing or sprinting or intervals (most riding will take place between 2 - 2.5 W/kg and under ~ some athletes may choose to go for Sprints etc and will then regroup right after). If you ride under this number you are still welcome to join and receive the benefit of the conversations and the training info (we usually have ladies of different levels on the ride). All training portions of the ride will be short and there is plenty of opportunity to regroup so that we can always ride together as one group.

Join us for this social and training ride making Zwift friends and become stronger on your bike.

Coach Kirsten Lewis is a USAT Coach (and athlete) who is dedicated to supporting women in their journey to become stronger and realize their personal awesomeness.

Join us on Discord - https://discord.gg/BKDGaggOpens a new window

If you ride with us be sure and join the STRAVA group to connect: https://www.strava.com/clubs/494550Opens a new window