Saturday, November 25th
11:00PM GMT
ZSG90 Sunday p/b Ascenders Team
Group Ride
Pace: Start around 2.0w/kg, cruise between 2.5 to 2.8 w/kg flats, 3.0 to 3.5 w/kg on climbs. Always ease up going downhill so the group does not stretch out and make regrouping easier.
Watch for ride leader's instruction on the speed /or power levels to maintain based on terrain.
Add ZSG90 as suffix to your name.
Login 10-15mins before start to ensure good connectivity with ZWIFT.
Follow ride leader (ZSG90 Lead) and stay together with fellow riders to enjoy maximum draft. Any Volunteer for Sweeper is welcomed.
This is a steady paced ride so we won't be bothering with "Racers"flying off the front.
Have an energy drink, a bar/gel, and a towel nearby as this is a longer ride. Coffee is optional as always.
Any questions, please post to us on our Facebook Group @ a new window .