Thursday, May 24th
10:15AM GMT
R2SR - Riverside Rise & Shine Ride
Group Ride
Join Riverside Cycles shop (Newburyport, MA USA) guys and gals for a solid, fast-paced group ride. Like the in-season Tuesday Night Worlds shop rides, this is a “yes drop” ride – typically breaking up after first 20-25 minutes into a couple of similarly paced groups. Great for occasional, off-season speed work. With a deep and strong mix of riders and racers – you never know who may show up!

Add R2SR after your last name, so we can see & identify the gang easily (i.e. John Smith R2SR) in the riders list

Basic ride outline as follows:

Cordial roll-out & warm-up gradually ramping up to 2.5 – 3 w/kg easy tempo (not easy!) settle in and see who is feeling frisky – and who is feeling fried.

At 20 +/- minutes into the ride (depending on route / course of the day) accelerate to a hard tempo that most of the group can ‘hold on to’ practicing good drafting in various conditions. If the group strings out – ease up at the front until the next section.

At 30 +/- minutes release the beast! Open up to attacking efforts by those that can and want to – and ease back to easy tempo / endurance pace for those that don’t (think Turkey Hill on the Riverside Rides). Typically breaks into 2-3 groups depending on turnout.

10 to 15 +/- minutes of attacking & counter-attacking for those in the frisky group - and steady easy tempo for those not feeling the need to ride cross-eyed o early in the morning.

Last 5 +/- minutes warm down.