Sunday, July 23rd
3:10PM GMT
The Z Originals – 10 mi. Time Trial (ZOTT)
The Z Originals – 10 mi. Time Trial (ZOTT)

Part of The Z Originals events.

In the world of time-trialling you have the choice of being the hound or the hare. Get your kit on, shave your legs*, get out there and make sure you’re the hare! Just don’t get caught…

Got little time but want to add threshold training and a race to your week? Join up!

*Hairy legs won’t equal a DQ, don’t worry. But, seriously. Worry about your hairy legs.

To avoid disappointment, please follow the guide below.


Rider name: YOUR NAME ZOTT (X) - X = category
Bicycle: TT bicycle only
Power-ups: None allowed - DQ if used
Categories: To calculate which group you belong in → FTP divided by your weight (kg) – e.g. 300 w FTP/100 kg = 3 w/kg = category C
A: 4.0 w/kg FTP or higher
B: 3.2 w/kg to 4.0 w/kg FTP
C: 2.5 w/kg to 3.2 w/kg FTP
D: Under 2.5 w/kg FTP
Strava: Please ensure that your ZOTT race is set as public, not private
Results: Results will be available on-screen after the event, ensure to screenshot these for reference

DQs: Using any other bicycle other than a TT bicycle; using a power-up; an average of 5 w/kg or more (results can be reinstated but the rider must provide real life data)
The Z Originals – 10 mi. Time Trial (ZOTT) - Race Results
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