Monday, July 22nd
5:30PM GMT
Fast 'n' Furious Team CLS Racing (37km Flat)
Turn up with your mates for our Monday Fast 'n' Furious Team Race powered by Team CLS. The racing will take place on flat courses and will test your skills to think and react to race situations under physical stress.

Everyone is welcome but we are keen to have Teams enter and try to deliver not only a podium but also see how many points they can accumulate for their Team. The top 3 riders for each team in each CAT make up the points. Let’s have some fun on Zwift as teams try to release breakaway riders, or work as a pack to close them down and finally lead out their best sprinter if there’s a bunch sprint at the end ! CATs leave 2 minutes apart so please ensure you enter the correct one for your ability.

A CAT: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
B CAT: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C CAT: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D CAT: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP

No one appreciates stronger riders entering a lower CAT in an attempt to cheat the group, so like all races on Zwift please be honest to yourself and others. We are running a Team CLS Fast ‘n’ Furious weekly league on Zwift Power for each CAT so you can monitor how many wins your Team has delivered. Automatic adjustments will be made post race for anyone exceeding the permitted w/kg for their CAT.

Let the ‘SNEAKY’ games begin.

If you have ridden on Team CLS events or are looking for a Team to join then of course Team CLS would welcome you to our gang. All our members train hard but equally play hard and our weekly schedule is sure to compliment your training whatever level you are at. If you don’t have our Team Kit yet we have 2 unlock events each week, our Sunday Chill ‘n’ Spin on Sunday or our Saturday Rise ‘n’ Shine Race.

For instructions on how to register with Zwiftpower visit this page a new window

After completion it is easy to join Team CLS a new window

When entering your CAT again I emphasize, please please don’t cheat fellow racers, this is one aspect fundamental to Team CLS and I am sure many other groups. If in doubt take your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg then pick the correct CAT from the events listing. If you are borderline pic the higher and challenge yourself this event is perfect for that as it is Flat and will have double drafting.

For your information our events include
Mon 18:30 UK - Fast ‘n’ Furious Flat Race, A,B,C and D CATs
Tues 18:50 UK - This ‘n’ That Climbing and Tempo Workout, B and C CATs
Thur 18:50 UK - High ‘n’ Low HIT Interval Workout, B and C CATs
Sat 08:40 (Jersey Unlock) and 14:45 UK - Races, and Club Rides, see Zwift Events for details
Sun 18:50 UK - Chill ‘n’ Spin Recovery Ride, D CAT (Jersey Unlock)

We run a Team Facebook Group, which we encourage people to follow for news and other group ride info and events and a place where you can even order our kit to wear in real life. It is also a great place to ask any questions you may have about Zwift and we will do our best to answer them for you. We have tried to put together a FULL weekly package that will allow riders to both enjoy their indoor sessions and back that up with some great workouts that will improve your fitness. Our Rides are entertaining throughout, and we have some fantastic regulars on every ride, so what are you waiting for, come and join us.

Zwift Power Team - a new window

Team Club Site - www.teamclscc.comOpens a new window

Strava Club Site - a new window

Youtube Channel - a new window=1

See you down the Road.......’The Team’
Fast 'n' Furious Team CLS Racing (37km Flat) (A) - Race Results
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