Friday, January 19th
8:15PM GMT
Z-R2Rc Ca Boom Group ride
Group Ride
The Friday ride is geared towards riders that may find they want some rides to push and develop their stregnths and weaknesses, but still want it to have the freeness of a group ride! These rides are not races and once efforts and completed it would be awesome if riders that have gone out front return to our riders that are pushing as hard as they can and give a bit of support. This support from the more experience riders does have a magical boost of confidence to them!
Please follow the ride leader's instructions and stay within range for communication.
The ride loops are also picked by the Zwift, which I like, as it makes it a surprise for me too and makes me develop a training session to suit course!!
Sessions will be on our FB & Strava page before the ride, so please check them out before joining and I won’t get the WTF Question when ride goes into training phase!

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