Monday, March 19th
7:00PM GMT
Warriors Racing League (BRT) sponsored by Primal Europe (A, B, C, D)
Warriors Racing League sponsored by Primal Europe (www.primaleurope.comOpens a new window

Welcome to the Warriors Racing League where there's going to be suffering,there will be pain, only the strongest will survive because tonight..... WE RACE IN HELL!

BIKES - All Allowed
PU's - Disabled
HRM - Heart rate monitor required for category wins.
5WKG - Riders over 5wkg will require ZADA approval to be included in official results.
ZPOWER - zPower riders aren't eligible for category wins.
RESULTS - Official results can be found @ www.zwiftpower.comOpens a new window.

Please use your FTP divided by your weight to select the correct category below.
(A) 4 - 5 W/kg
(B) 3.2 - 3.99 W/kg
(C) 2.5 - 3.19 W/kg
(D) 0 - 2.49 W/kg

For more information on FTP - a new window-

Join the BRT EventZ Group - a new window

Please visit www.primaleurope.comOpens a new window where you’ll find the latest cycling clothing for all seasons including men’s,women’s,outerwear plus custom designs.
Warriors Racing League (BRT) sponsored by Primal Europe A - Race Results
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