Wednesday, May 23rd
6:30PM GMT
Workout Wednesday Intervals
Join the Zwift Runners for a group run workout that will be of benefit to all distance runners.

This week we will doing a short and sharp session of 10 x 1 minutes with 1 minute recovery. The interval pace should be about what you can currently run for one mile all out. We will precede the intervals with a progressive warm up for 10 minutes then one stride and finish with a short warm down.

We will be running the event in four time slots (so this and three others) but A and B runners should join the A group and C and D runners the C group. Each group will run the warm up together but do the intervals at a different pace. The duration of the workout will be about 36 minutes in total for everybody.

Group A/B 7.5K
Warm Up: 5 mins @ 11.5 kph (7.1 mph), 5 mins @ 12.0 kph (7.5)
Suggested Interval Pace: A group 18.0 kph (11.2 mph), B group 16.0 kph (9.9)
Stride: 30 secs @ Interval Pace, 90 secs recovery 9.0 kph (5.6)
Intervals: 10 x 1 min @ Interval Pace, 1 min recovery 9.0 kph (5.6)
Warm down: continue at own pace after last interval until the finish banner

Group C/D 6.0K
Warm Up: 5 mins @ 9.0 kph (5.6), 5 mins @ 9.5 kph (5.9 mph),
Suggested Interval Pace: C group 14.0 kph (8.7 mph), D group 12.0 kph (7.5)
Stride: 30 secs @ Interval Pace, 90 secs recovery @ 8.0 kph (5.3)
Intervals: 10 x 1 min @ Interval Pace, 1 min recovery @ 8.0 kph (5.0)
Warm down: continue at own pace after last interval until the finish banner

If you have any questions about this event or want to find out more about Zwift Running in general then please visit the Zwift Runners Facebook group or #gozwiftrun #pbt