Monday, January 28th
11:00PM GMT
ODivaZ 2.2 Ride
Group Ride
This ride is targeted to all Zwift Riders and is led by the Ladies of TeamODZ. The ODZ ODivaZ 2.2 Ride is designed to offer riders a place to ride and improve their group riding and sprinting skills. The group will ride around 2.2 w/kg for 1 hour of FLAT course. There is a sprint each lap, or every other lap per leader discretion, the sprint is the Green Jersey Sprint segment. Riders will regroup after each sprint back to the leader at 2.2 w/kg.

All riders are welcome and encouraged to help our female riders with a steady pace and lead-outs for the sprints.
Please join us on Discord on the ODivaZ channel. Server link:

For more information about the ride, please visit a new window