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Thursday, April 9th
1:00AM GMT
Rapha + Neilson Powless, EF Pro Cycling
Group Workout
Rapha invites you to join Rapha Cycling Club members from around the globe on Zwift for a training ride with Neilson Powless of EF Pro Cycling. The training ride will consist of a 10 minute warm up followed by a free ride at a social pace to allow plenty of time for questions, before a 10 minute cool down.

Neilson burst onto the United States road racing scene as a 19-year-old and found instant success, finishing ninth overall at the 2016 Amgen Tour of California and winning a stage at the Tour de l’Avenir. Now you can ride with Neilson and Rapha Cycling Club members from around the world.

#RCC #EFProCycling #RideWithPro #rlj