Thursday, April 18th
6:05AM GMT
SZR Sunrise Ride
Group Ride
Welcome to SZR Sunrise

C and D Ride
Tempo ride with optional sprint sections. Non sprinters will work as a group to create as much draft as we can for the sprinters.
Sprints will be added at the discretion of the leader.
We will at times ride above and below the advertised pace, please don’t feel the need to tell the leader they will be aware but the ride average will be as advertised.
This is NOT a recovery ride, we work hard and work as a team.

E Ride
The focus is on the Group and keeping together while having fun to make the time fly fast!
The ride tempo is shown next to the ride category, this is rider weight / gender dependant.
Note that the average is for the ride prior to any optional faster finish (with a beacon).
The ride leader will aim (prior to any faster finish) to ride mid parameters after a short warmup period.
There might be slight variations above or below the average during the ride.

Please always respect the ride leader and follow his / her instructions.
The ride tempo is shown next to the ride category, this is rider weight / gender dependant.