Thursday, April 25th
4:00PM GMT
Mountain Massif's Mountain Goat Chase Race
Bei diesem Event ist Folgendes erforderlich:
category enforcement iconKategorie wird durchgesetzt.
power meter required iconLeistungsmesser erforderlich.
heart rate monitor required iconHerzfrequenzmonitor erforderlich.
Besuche, um mehr über die Rennrichtlinien zu erfahren.
This is a race with a difference. The slowest riders will start first with a 15-minute time advantage over the fastest riders and race up to the top of the climb.

To make it fair, each Category’s advantage will decrease by 5 minutes, over the next.

The objective is to ride hard and try and reach the top of the climb, before being caught. This is a unique event because do you form a group and work together on the climb, or do you strike out alone? These decisions will impact the outcome.

Heart Rate monitor required and Zwift Power for official results.

More information:
For more information check out the Mountain Massif website www.mountainmassif.comOpens a new window, follow on Instagram, Mountain_Massif and join our Zwift Club, by clicking the link below a new window
Mountain Massif's Mountain Goat Chase Race (A) - Race Results
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DauerLückeWattW/kg20 Min.W/kg5 Min.W/kg15 SekW/kg