Sunday, January 31st
3:30PM GMT
XTERRA Series: Bike Workout 3
Group Workout
Looking to shake up your triathlon training? Want to get a little dirty? As usual, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the XTERRA Off-Road Tri Series!

Workout 3: XTERRA Workout 3 | Under Over Intervals

This workout is inspired by the XTERRA China course, which includes some sustained climbs as well as some shorter, hard climbs. The ability to ride near your threshold, bump above it, and then recover—is paramount for racing success on these kinds of XTERRA courses. This workout is great for prepping for the tough threshold workouts to come.

Workout Structure
The main set consists of a repeating sequence of 5-min @ 90% FTP, 2-min at 105% FTP, 3-min @50% FTP. (Repeat 5 times).