Wednesday, December 7th
6:30PM GMT
Wahoo Le Col Group ride
Group Ride
Cet événement est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
women only iconFemmes uniquement.
Rendez-vous sur pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les règles de compétition.
Join the ladies of Wahoo Le Col for a fun, relaxed social ride. Get to know our Wahoo Le Col riders in a supportive, women's-focused environment. This is your opportunity to chat with the ladies and ask all your Zwifting questions. The yellow beacon will ride around 2 to 2.2w/kg. If you fall off the main peloton, please send a message to the group and one of our sweepers will assist in getting you back to the leader.

This ride is about women coming together around the world and enjoying each other's company, regardless of fitness level.

Near the end of the ride, the leader will spice things up a bit and create a last-lap race.

Those that are happy to stick to the group ride speed of 2.0 to 2.2w/kg can fall back on the red beacon for those efforts.

Riding this event will NOT unlock our Clubs in game kit.