Saturday, November 17th
5:10PM GMT
SGLTG: Turkey Day Preparation @ 2wkg
Group Ride
The Seattle Green Lake Triathlon Group (SGLTG) offers free group training and support to triathletes of all levels and abilities, whether you're new to the sport or a seasoned veteran.


This is a social group ride not a race, please respect the pace set by the ride leader; we will not chase flyers.

The ride leader will hold an average pace of 2.0 w/kg and stronger riders are encouraged to help sweep at the back of the pack if needed.

While we are a triathlon group at heart, a TT bike is optional. If you want to negate the draft, feel free to select the Zwift TT bike. If you want to take some advantage of drafting, selecting a non-TT bike and riding in the draft will make the ride a little easier.