Thursday, January 9th
7:30PM GMT
SCF SWE Cup Women's Racing League
women only icon女性限定
Welcome to the Swedish Cycling Federation Swecup presented by Guided Heroes, Wahoo and Swedish Zwift Rider. This is the official SWE Cup for Swedish riders. Riders from other countries can join but will not compete in the cup. To compete in the cup the rider will need a license from SCF or become a free member of Swe cycling club

- No powerups
- No TT bikes allowed
- Power Meter and Smart trainer winners take category win
- Heart rate monitor compulsory for all categories
- Registered user at Zwiftpower

(A) >3.7 W/kg
(B) 3.2W/kg to 3.69 W/kg FTP
(C) 2.5W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
(D) Under 2.49 W/kg FTP

Points are awarded on a category basis, see below
For each category that finishes with a minimum of 10 participants the following points will be awarded:
1st : 40 points
2nd : 35 points
3rd : 30 points
4th-30th 28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 points
If there are less than 10 riders in a category, points will be distributed with 2 point for last place and then 3 points, 4 points and so on.
All riders outside position 30 will receive 1 points for participating in the race.


Team points are awarded to the top 5 team members in any category.
For example, Team XXX has the following members with results:

One member wins the A category and gets 35 pts 

One member in the B category places 3rd and gets 28 pts

One member in B category places 6th and gets 25 pts

One member in C wins the category and get 35 pts

One member in D category places 5th and gets 26 pts

The team will the get a total of 35+28+35+25+26 points= 149 team points in this race.

All the other team members got places below these members. So it is just the 5 top members of each team that will get points for the team.

Results will be presented at Riders from other countries will be excluded.
SCF SWE Cup Women's Racing League (A) - Race Results
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