Rapha Festive 500 - A Tradition Like No Other: 500 km, 8 Days

December 23, 2024
December 31, 2024

Now over a decade in the running, the Rapha Festive 500 has become a global cycling tradition.

Sign up for the challenge and ride 500 km from December 24 to December 31. Ride indoors or outdoors to rack up the kilometers, but be sure to log your efforts on Strava, rain or shine.

For your indoor rides, we’re serving up a calendar full of group rides to help you crush kilometers with friends worldwide. Choose your speed with five subcategories, each led by a RoboPacer.

Need a dependable wheel to follow on your journey to 500 kilometers? RoboPacers to the rescue. Join any Pacer Group on a free ride to help you go the distance and ride at a speed that suits you, with loads of RoboPacers to choose from!

Complete any Rapha Festive 500 event on Zwift, and you’ll unlock the in-game Rapha Festive 500 kit for 2025. Don’t miss out on your only chance to unlock this exclusive kit!

Event series completed.