Sunday, November 26
A keen amateur cyclist and member of INC, Glenn Utteridge, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in early 2023 and by June 2023 had had 5 fractures to his back, neck and jaw plus 2 major surgeries. Still with a terminal stage 4 diagnosis, he is back on his bike and back on zwift! but needs to raise money for overseas treatment. Description: C ride training session 2.2 to 3.0wkg average A combination of steady state training with some intervals in the middle (mostly green zone) a rest recovery and optional mini race. Please join me, assuming I have no more unforeseen medical / health issues on the day, I intend to lead this training session with a few of my favourite intervals. Cycling has helped me get through most of what has been an extremely tough year for me. Happy to share my experience on how cycling has helped living with advanced cancer and answer any questions. We need to raise money for potential life saving treatment, I just ask that if you take part in this ride please add a donation on my go fund me page below. a new window
INC - fundraiser for #glennthecancerwarrior (avg 1.5 - 2.0wkg) (C)