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Tour de Zwift: Prepare To Take Off with Zwift Run

ZWIFT COMMUNITY | on December 16, 2020 by
Tour de Zwift: Prepare To Take Off with Zwift Run

Welcome to the Tour de Zwift! This multi-staged journey is like a real-life group run—a giant party where we’ll lace up, hit our strides, and see beautiful sights together. Tour de Zwift brings together runners from different countries with the same goal: visiting all of Zwift’s must-see destinations and exploring routes new and old. This post helps you prepare to have an awesome and smooth experience.

Group runs on Zwift are a great way to meet people, build camaraderie, and bump up that heart rate. Run with your friends, bring the heat, and take in the sights of each destination. These runs are at your own pace, though they can be raced if you prefer—placements will be provided at the end of each stage if you want to go hard and check your times within the game. If you’re brand new to Zwift and need to gear up, watch this How To video.

Schedule Your Run

From the Tour de Zwift homepage, click into each stage’s page. You’ll see a description of the destination (plus each stage’s multiple routes), the available dates, and the scheduler feature for upcoming events.

Choose the Distance

Each stage in Tour de Zwift carries a distinct theme, from flats to mountains to after-party climbs and beyond! All stages have four categories that align with the overall theme. Group runs for Tour de Zwift events will be organized by time needed to complete each run, with the A Group taking the longest to complete the course, and B Group taking the shortest. All genders may join either the A or B group.

Get Ready to Take Off

A few things before the fun starts. First, ensure your speed device (footpod or treadmill sensor) is calibrated. This How-To video gets you synced up. If you’ve got a heart monitor, here’s how to pair that device. Next, make sure your treadmill station has enough water, a towel, and that your fan is turned on.

Give yourself 10 minutes before your start time to get a warm-up in. We notify you in-game when your event is about to start, so don’t worry about losing track of time while warming up. Once you join the event and your avatar stands at the starting line, talk to the other runners and see if anyone wants to run your pace.

Here’s how to chat, interact, and motivate your fellow Zwift runners. Don’t be shy—say hello!

Reading the Heads-Up Display

Zwift’s Heads-Up Display (HUD) includes a lot of information to help you understand your data while you run. Learn all about it in this video.

How Ride Ons Work

While you’re running on Zwift, you might see a big blue thumb over your avatar every now and then. No, you’re not delirious—that’s called a “Ride On,” and it’s how the community encourages each other. Want to send one to fellow runners? Click or tap a person’s username and you’ll see a ‘thumbs-up’ icon beside them. Just hit that and you’re all set! Alternatively, you can send a Ride On in the Zwift Companion app. Once you’re in-game and running, just go to the “Nearby” tab, tap a name in the list, then hit the blue Ride On button.

Read our How-To for more info on giving Ride Ons in game and out.

After the Run

You’ve finished the run and you’re feeling great. Stay on Zwift for a few minutes longer and chat up other runners. How’d their run go? When are they running the next stage? Think of Zwift as a giant run club—one of the best parts is connecting during events and building friendships that endure past the tour.