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3, 2, 1, ACTION! Announcing Zwift Video Screenshots

ZWIFT COMMUNITY | on February 7, 2023 by Zwift
3, 2, 1, ACTION! Announcing Zwift Video Screenshots


Zwifters know that rides and runs always feature fun highlights. You may set a new sprint PR, take in a fresh view from atop Alpe du Zwift, or even win a race!

The game’s notable moments feature already captures photos of highlights like new PRs, route badges, or other achievements. Photos are fun, but we’re leveling up and starting to roll out a feature called “Video Screenshots” to specific supported devices. Video Screenshots saves notable moments as short videos, and you can also save a video clip at any time during your Zwift session!

Recording Videos

To manually record a Video Screenshot, just bring up the action bar (hit the up arrow on your Mac or tap your iPhone or iPad screen) and tap the new filmstrip icon shown below:

This will save a video of your most recent 15 seconds of gameplay to your device. Simple!

Manually recording will often not be necessary, though, since most of your highlights will be automatically recorded as Video Screenshots thanks to Zwift’s notable moments feature. Automatically recorded highlights include:

Sharing Videos

Are you a Strava user? Sharing your Video Screenshot to Strava is easy, thanks to Zwift’s Strava integration and Strava’s recently-added video sharing capability!

If you’ve connected your Zwift account to Strava, at the end of your session you’ll see a list of videos and photos from your ride/run. Videos are indicated by a filmstrip overlay, and you can select one video to upload to your Strava activity along with up to five photos.

Want to share your videos on other platforms? That’s easy too! Video Screenshots are saved on your Zwift device along with any photos you may have taken, so they’re easy to share on YouTube, Facebook, Insta, or other social media.


Video Screenshots are currently rolling out in Zwift Game version 1.33.0+ for the following platforms*:

  • iPad and iPhones (minimum iOS/iPadOS version: 13.0)
  • Mac (minimum macOS version: 10.15)

Other platforms and operating systems will be supported as soon as possible.

* Age and performance of devices may affect feature availability