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October 22 – November 25
Segment Group Ride 2
Anaerobic Power & Vo2 Max
3 Sisters with Volcano KOM Finish // 41km

Segments targeted:

  • Anaerobic - Hilly Kom Forward. 0.90km, ~1 ¼ to 2 min, Elevation gain 50m
  • Vo2 - Volcano Kom. 3.75km, ~5-7 min, Elevation gain 120m

Ready to push your limits to the max? Buckle up. Early on, you will hit the Forward KOM that includes 9% pitches during the 900m climb. This will be an all-out effort, where going deep early is essential. Try to maintain this effort for the duration of the climb. There’s a twist for Zwifters vying for the professional contract: we’ll set a target w/kg - 90% of FTP - to maintain during the Epic KOM, in-between the 2 segments. Please hit that wattage target.

Even if you’re not going for the contract, you’ll get to ride this segment. The Epic KOM segment is 9.41km and includes an elevation gain of 372m.

In case you’re wondering, this climb does not include the Radio Tower. Those FTP targets are only for those chasing the pro contract. If you’re not, keep your pace moderate (Zone 2), so you are fresh for the final lava-filled last climb.

The final segment is the Volcano KOM, which you will tackle after 37km of riding. This popular segment is known for the different pitches with an average of 3% over the 3.75km.

Save something for the finish because the gradient hits 10% when you approach the final 300m. Most will see a peak heart rate, low speeds, and the absolute limit of your aerobic ability.

Sand and Sequoias x2 Laps // 40.4km

Segments targeted:

  • Anaerobic - Fuego Flats 0.49km, ~60s, Elevation gain 1m. End lap 1
  • Vo2 - Titans Grove 2.61km, ~6 min Elevation gain 57m. Mid lap 2

You return to Zwift’s first map — Watopia — for this segment challenge. Get ready to push your anaerobic system to its max before taking your aerobic system to the limit with an intense VO2 effort.

You’ll complete 2 laps of the course. Use the opening 20km as a warm up before you hit the first segment challenge on Fuego Flats at the end of the first lap 1. This first segment will be about 60 seconds. Go hard and hold this max effort for as long as possible.

You have 10km to recover before hitting the final segment of the ride: the Titans Grove climb. Before hitting his 2.6km ascent, make sure you recover. You don’t want that lactic acid hitching a free ride.

The Titans Grove climb will be an effort of about 6-7min and require good pacing and concentration. The start includes gradient changes. Be sure to push the pedals on the downhills to maintain momentum. The final 1.5 km of the ascent includes a consistent gradient of 2.5%. Settle into a high-powered rhythm. Be prepared to hit some high heart rates during as you near the limits of your aerobic ability. It will be a high powered effort over the 2.6km climb.

Schedule Your Segment Group Ride

Category Selection:
Category Selection:
  1. Distance
  2. Elevation
  3. w/kg

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