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Sunday, March 16
Join Danish Bike Riders on our weekly Social Ride. We will be riding at an average pace of 30-35km for 60min, mostly flat routes, but some routes are faster than others. We ride without the Fence, and perhaps also a bit different from many other Social Rides. RideLeader will keep a steady pace, but its ok to ride ahead and join other riders in front - Just remember to be Social. If you find yourself at the back, please call for a wheel, and we will try to get you back to the RideLeaders group. Stronger riders are as always welcome to help at the back. We look forward to ride with you.
Info on events and the [DBR] team can be found on “Danish Bike Riders” on FaceBook (English) a new window and in our group “Danish Bike Riders” a new window
Ride On
Info on events and the [DBR] team can be found on “Danish Bike Riders” on FaceBook (English) a new window and in our group “Danish Bike Riders” a new window
Ride On
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.