Saturday, May 29
The Cycling Ireland One Day Classic (Scratch Race) is a One day event being held each Saturday morning for the Cycling Ireland Community. Male and female riders will have 4 categories to choose from, catering for all abilities. PowerUps now available.
Yorkshire, Royal Pump Room 8, 1 lap, 27.7km, Elevation 480m
Top riders are encouraged to track their weight and keep recordings as they may be requested. Riders in the top men's and women's category are encouraged to record a secondary power source and publish their dual recordings in the comments for the event. Race organizers may request riders in all categories to provide a dual recording or a matching RL effort (Strava) in order to verify a Zwift race effort. Failure to comply may result in a disqualification from the event. Failure to provide a dual recording or RL effort on three requests may result in disqualification from future events, until a dual recording with a matching effort is provided.
Start time A Category (4w/kg-5w/kg) – 10:00am, Europe/Dublin
Start time B Category (3.2w/kg-4w/kg) – 10:01am, Europe/Dublin
Start time C Category (2.5w/kg-3.2w/kg) – 10:02am, Europe/Dublin
Start time D Category (1w/kg-2.5w/kg) – 10:03am, Europe/Dublin
Yorkshire, Royal Pump Room 8, 1 lap, 27.7km, Elevation 480m
Top riders are encouraged to track their weight and keep recordings as they may be requested. Riders in the top men's and women's category are encouraged to record a secondary power source and publish their dual recordings in the comments for the event. Race organizers may request riders in all categories to provide a dual recording or a matching RL effort (Strava) in order to verify a Zwift race effort. Failure to comply may result in a disqualification from the event. Failure to provide a dual recording or RL effort on three requests may result in disqualification from future events, until a dual recording with a matching effort is provided.
Start time A Category (4w/kg-5w/kg) – 10:00am, Europe/Dublin
Start time B Category (3.2w/kg-4w/kg) – 10:01am, Europe/Dublin
Start time C Category (2.5w/kg-3.2w/kg) – 10:02am, Europe/Dublin
Start time D Category (1w/kg-2.5w/kg) – 10:03am, Europe/Dublin
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.