Sunday, May 30
The Saris + The Pro's Closet Gravel Grinder is a weekend adventure race. Take a break from the mundane and do something crazy this Sunday.
We'll be racing utilizing Zwift's newly released gravel bike line-up on courses featuring gravel roads (i.e. jungle circuit!)
Be ready to have some fun and make new friends in this fun & friendly race!
Please sign up by category based on your FTP/weight in KG
A: 4.0 W/kg FTP+
B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
We'll be racing utilizing Zwift's newly released gravel bike line-up on courses featuring gravel roads (i.e. jungle circuit!)
Be ready to have some fun and make new friends in this fun & friendly race!
Please sign up by category based on your FTP/weight in KG
A: 4.0 W/kg FTP+
B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.