Thursday, January 18th
This is a race with a difference. Hosted on the Mountain 8 course, in Watopia, the slowest riders will start first with a 15-minute time advantage over the fastest riders and race up to the top of the Radio Tower, a distance of 12.1km. To make it fair, each Category’s advantage will decrease by 5-minutes, over the next. The objective is to ride hard and try and reach the top of the Radio Tower, before being caught. This is a unique event because do you form a group and work together on the climb, or do you strike out alone, the choice is yours.
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.