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Tuesday, March 18
7:10 AM UTC
Le Col Sessions Weekday Wind On
Group Workout
A weekly ride for regular Le Col Sessions riders and newcomers alike.

These sessions are inspired by our normal workout sessions and offer riders the chance to complete a more sustainable aerobic effort ahead of the more intense Wednesday session.

These sessions have been designed by ex-professional cyclist, Chris Opie, just like the rides Chris leads 3 times each week in the summer months, the sessions are designed to help you improve your cycling fitness.

The Le col Cycling Club Community Sessions are the perfect opportunity to enjoy a structured workout and social interaction through the summer months. These rides will often be attended and led by our regular Le Col Sessions members

Train towards challenges, QOMs, KOMs, distance goals, participation goals and build your Zwift XP in good company.

Enjoy the ride? Why not join us at our Zwift Club, Le Col Cycling Club.
Le Col Sessions Weekday Wind On (E)
route nameCountry to Coastal
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