Tuesday, March 28
5:00 PM UTC
Rocacorba Collective Workout Ride
Group Workout
It's time to feel that leg burn!

Our weekly Tuesday workout rides are designed to push you hard while motivating you to reach your fitness goals both on Zwift and IRL.

You will be coached live throughout the session by Ed Greene on the Public Rocacorba Collective Discord Channel, allowing you to ask questions to our qualified coach and get the all-important support you need to dig deep and hit those watts.
This is a banded ride so whatever your FTP you will not get dropped & we will stick together for the session.

Please join us on our Public Discord Channel :
https://discord.com/invite/qByHMeBN3AOpens a new window
More info about Rocacorba Collective :
www.rocacorbacollective.ccOpens a new window

This Months Session : 3 x 8min efforts.

Warm up 2min at zone 2. Followed with 5 x 15sec accelerations to warm up the legs.

Break-up the efforts into the following 1min30 steady @ 90-100% of FTP and then a 30sec acceleration 110-120% of FTP. Then back to 90-100% of FTP. Repeat until the 8min is up. Then recover 8min between effort.

10min cool down