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Thursday, September 10th
5:00PM GMT
GTN Race Series: Triathlete vs Cyclist
Group Ride
You've watched the GTN crew take on the GCN crew, now it's your turn. Join GTN presenters Mark, Heather, and Sam take on GCN presenters James, Manon, and Conor in a race rematch to decide who's better: Triathletes or Cyclists.

Pick your side:
Category A: Team GTN
Category B: Team GCN

Route: Road to Ruins
DIstance: 29.6km // 18.4mi
Lead-In: 0.5km // 0.3mi
Elevation: 268m // 879ft

Is this a race?
Yes, a head to head battle between triathletes and cyclists.
Pick your side:
Category A: Team GTN
Category B: Team GCN

Unlock the Kit
Zwifters participating on the bike will unlock the GTN Cycling Kit