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Tuesday, October 4th
WOT (Watts on Tuesday) is a Group Workout session following workouts from the Hotchillee Winter Warmer and Spring Sizzler Training Plans. This workout, in combination with the Hotchillee Gain Train on Thursdays and either an IRL longer ride or the Hotchillee Race, Ride or Conquer Series on Sundays, is the perfect way to build your fitness over the winter in a time effective and enjoyable way. To find out more about Hotchillee and to get involved, download the App a new window
Week 1: 04/10/22
Grind 1: 56 TSS
Big Gear/Low Cadence work is effectively strength training on the bike, lays the foundations for a strong and stable pedal stroke and should be part of any winter training plan.
The key to getting the intended gains from these sessions is to stick to the cadence targets. Don’t “cheat” the efforts by spinning faster - grind them out!
For this dose, you’ll be performing X5 Big Gear/Low Cadence efforts between 3-5 minutes in duration, working both seated and standing and with 5-minute recoveries.
Week 2: 11/10/22
Sweet-spot 1: 64 TSS
Sweet-Spot is so called because it gives significant training gains but without as much pain and suffering as working at threshold - that comes later.
In this session you’ll do X3 10-minute blocks around Sweet-Spot but be ready for little sting in the tail of the final interval.
Week 3: 18/10/22
VO2 Max 1: 58 TSS
Training in Zone 5 is all about building your ability to hold an effort above your red-line. This is essential for tackling steep climbs, bridging a gap, making a break or just dishing out some pain.
In this session, you’ll be performing X5 3-minute Zone 5 efforts.
Week 4: 25/10/22
Anaerobic Capacity 1: 40 TSS
Working on your top end and your ability to recover from those efforts. These sessions are shorter but spicier with the emphasis on quality rather than quantity.
As the fourth week in the rotation this fits in with more of a “recovery” week where you should be looking to dial your volume down.
This 20/40 session is a classic where you perform X4 5-minute blocks alternating 20 seconds hard with 40 seconds easy.
Week 1: 04/10/22
Grind 1: 56 TSS
Big Gear/Low Cadence work is effectively strength training on the bike, lays the foundations for a strong and stable pedal stroke and should be part of any winter training plan.
The key to getting the intended gains from these sessions is to stick to the cadence targets. Don’t “cheat” the efforts by spinning faster - grind them out!
For this dose, you’ll be performing X5 Big Gear/Low Cadence efforts between 3-5 minutes in duration, working both seated and standing and with 5-minute recoveries.
Week 2: 11/10/22
Sweet-spot 1: 64 TSS
Sweet-Spot is so called because it gives significant training gains but without as much pain and suffering as working at threshold - that comes later.
In this session you’ll do X3 10-minute blocks around Sweet-Spot but be ready for little sting in the tail of the final interval.
Week 3: 18/10/22
VO2 Max 1: 58 TSS
Training in Zone 5 is all about building your ability to hold an effort above your red-line. This is essential for tackling steep climbs, bridging a gap, making a break or just dishing out some pain.
In this session, you’ll be performing X5 3-minute Zone 5 efforts.
Week 4: 25/10/22
Anaerobic Capacity 1: 40 TSS
Working on your top end and your ability to recover from those efforts. These sessions are shorter but spicier with the emphasis on quality rather than quantity.
As the fourth week in the rotation this fits in with more of a “recovery” week where you should be looking to dial your volume down.
This 20/40 session is a classic where you perform X4 5-minute blocks alternating 20 seconds hard with 40 seconds easy.
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.