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Friday, March 14
12:45 AM UTC
BaseCamp Aerobic Endurance with Cadence Ramps and Tempo p/b MyVeloFit
Group Workout
Join the BaseCamp coaching team for this live coaching workout featuring a 10-minute warm-up with 3 fast pedaling efforts, followed by aerobic Endurance with progressive cadence ramps and finishing with lower-cadence Tempo. In this session we will focus on building your foundation fitness, with real-time coaching and guidance to keep you motivated and on track.

This is not just another ride; it's a coach-led experience where you'll receive tips on execution, pacing, and effort management, designed to help you maximize your performance. Whether you are here to push your limits or fine-tune your skills, just stick with the group, listen to the cues, and get ready for a fun and challenging workout. This workout is part of the BaseCamp 2024-2025 group coaching base training program for cyclists and triathletes; you can view the complete workout schedule here: a new window and check out our podcast on the how and why behind the training: a new window

Each workout in this progressive series is coached by two professional riders/coaches. The workouts are set to stay together, as your coach will be walking you through the workout and talking you through the why of things, and this makes it easy to stay with the group and get all the great coaching info and tips.

7:00am ET Paul Jobin and Jim Pomeroy
10:00am ET Tim Cusick and Rebecca Rusch
5:45pm ET Namrita Brooke and Tina Hart
8:45pm ET Jill Gass and Liz Inglese
(Please note this schedule is subject to change.)

THIS WORKOUT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY MYVELOFIT: Professional quality bike fit in the comfort of your own home! MyVeloFit has packaged over a decade of professional bike fit knowledge and experience into a tool that provides recommendations consistent with some of the top bike fitters in the world. Their system lets you refine your position on any bike from wherever you are, without having to book costly appointments or travel for a fit. Learn more at www.myvelofit.comOpens a new window.

We suggest warming up on the trainer for 5-10 minutes before the workout starts. Also, keep in mind that many people have a lower FTP indoors than outdoors. We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests, as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level.

Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event. Once the event starts, all riders enter workout mode, and everyone stays together, regardless of power output; this means that if you are putting out 100 watts and another Zwifter is putting out 400 watts, you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall significantly behind the group will the rubber banding stop. This allows all attendees to participate in the coaching and fun chatter.

At BaseCamp, we believe that every cyclist has the potential to achieve greatness, no matter where they start. Our mission is to create a community-driven training environment where cyclists and triathletes of all levels can train together, support each other, and grow stronger, faster, and more confident in their abilities. Our cycling training programs are expert driven and tailored to your needs. Whether you are a seasoned pro or just getting started, BaseCamp is where you belong. Visit us at www.joinbasecamp.comOpens a new window.