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Saturday, March 15
11:05 AM UTC
HangOn Ride by Team EN
Group Ride
Join Endurance Nation for the Hang-On Ride -- a group ride that will truly test your limits! Warm up at 2.5 W/kg for 10’, then increase to 3.5 over 10’, then 3.5+ as you are able in your group. Your mission -- to HANG ON to the faster riders! Done right, C and D riders can work to stay in the groupetto as the Bs and As push the front and try to catch any fliers right at the end. This is not a race full of surges, but there is plenty of hard work to stay in the group. Casualties are inevitable, but come back and HANG ON longer next week! We will ride for about 60k, so come prepared with lots of fluids and food. Please pay close attention to leader's instructions via message.

Join TeamEN members to chat on an app called Discord. Discord is not required, but the ride experience is enhanced by using it. Click on this link for more information about Discord and related setup: #discord" target="_blank" class="accessibility-info-container">https://www.endurancenation.us/teamen-on-zwift#discord class="accessibility-info">Opens a new window

For more specifics about this ride and various other Endurance Nation rides, go to: https://www.endurancenation.us/teamen-on-zwiftOpens a new window
HangOn Ride by Team EN (C)
route nameBig Foot Hills
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