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Wednesday, March 19
5:45 AM UTC
EVO CC Flux Ride [1.8 - 2.0w/kg avg]
Group Ride
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This is a Evolution Cycling Club [EVO] Social Event and ride for all. Your co-operation and teamwork is essential to the success of the ride and we ask that all riders respect the pace set by the leader (Yellow Beacon). We may include intervals over and below the ride average advertised power range, but we will allow enough recovery and time to regroup after every effort. This is not a race, so please follow the leader beacon's (Yellow) instructions and if you are feeling strong we would welcome any help offered by stronger riders to bring any dropped riders back to the yellow beacon. We welcome good chat and a social atmosphere for new and experienced Zwifters alike, everyone is welcome.

EVO CC Flux Ride [1.8 - 2.0w/kg avg] (D)
route nameNeon Flats
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