Tuesday, October 19th
Welcome to Japan Zwift morning race! Let's enjoy this race !! All are welcome.
Do your best about 1hour race.We hope that Participants gets a great workout and has some good fun in this Race.
We are rooting for your better training race.
Use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg then pick the correct group:
A:4.0 W/kg FTP or higer
B:3.2 W/kg to 4.0W/kg FTP
C:2.5 W/kg to 3.1W/kg FTP
D:Under2.4 W/kg FTP
We hope that Participants gets a great workout and has some good fun in this Race.
Ride On!!
#jett #japan
Do your best about 1hour race.We hope that Participants gets a great workout and has some good fun in this Race.
We are rooting for your better training race.
Use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg then pick the correct group:
A:4.0 W/kg FTP or higer
B:3.2 W/kg to 4.0W/kg FTP
C:2.5 W/kg to 3.1W/kg FTP
D:Under2.4 W/kg FTP
We hope that Participants gets a great workout and has some good fun in this Race.
Ride On!!
#jett #japan
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.