Tuesday, June 6th
Welcome all to our Workout Series promoted by Team Italy. This series is structured into 10 appointments and we aim to train the energy system, aerobic, anaerobic, lactate, strength, resistance, fartlek, medium and medium-high.It's essential to know exactly your FTP value, to perfectly train all of them. It's higly recommended a good hidratation during the workout, drink at least every 10 minutes, and respect your recovery time. This Workout Series is perfect for your outdoor season. You will unlock the team Italy jersey when you finish the ride.
Please, add tag [ITA] after your name.
Join us into the Team Italy's Discord Channel https://discord.gg/c7PGKGvOpens a new window
This is the Facebook group of Team Italy https://www.facebook.com/groups/zwiftitalyOpens a new window and Strava Club of Team Italy https://www.strava.com/clubs/zwift_italyOpens a new window
Join us! Have fun! Ride On! #jerseyunlock #teamitaly
Please, add tag [ITA] after your name.
Join us into the Team Italy's Discord Channel https://discord.gg/c7PGKGvOpens a new window
This is the Facebook group of Team Italy https://www.facebook.com/groups/zwiftitalyOpens a new window and Strava Club of Team Italy https://www.strava.com/clubs/zwift_italyOpens a new window
Join us! Have fun! Ride On! #jerseyunlock #teamitaly
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.