Saturday, February 17th
8:00AM GMT
Herd Winter Racing
Bei diesem Event ist Folgendes erforderlich:
power meter required iconLeistungsmesser erforderlich.
Besuche, um mehr über die Rennrichtlinien zu erfahren.
Herd Winter Racing
Welcome to Herd Winter Racing (HWR) where all our herds race together in category E. It doesn’t matter if you’re more of a turtle or a hare, everyone is welcome to race with us. HWR are simple races, there are no categories and the first rider across the line wins the race. The courses are short to medium length and vary each week.

To be able to join the pen you must have a smart trainer or power meter paired. Heart rate monitors are not compulsory but recommended.

League standings
There will be seven races each weekend to score a result. Each week your best result will count towards the league standings, the winner of each race will score 100 points, second scores 99 points and so on. The best 16 results over the 20 week season will count.

For more information and weekly course announcements please see our Facebook group: a new window
Herd Winter Racing - Race Results
Log in to view race results
DauerLückeWattW/kg20 Min.W/kg5 Min.W/kg15 SekW/kg