Friday, February 2nd
Welcome to the BRT Ages Racing League!
The Ages Racing League has been designed to group Zwift racers into competitive age related categories (see below).
The leagues (Europe & Americas) run for 10 weeks with a riders best 8 race results counting towards final standings.
It is essential that all participants are honest and select the correct pen/category below which correlates to their current age.
- PEN ( A ) : 38 years and UNDER
- PEN ( B ) : 39 to 46 years young
- PEN ( C ) : 47 to 51 years young
- PEN ( D ) : 52 years and OVER
- Please add your age after your surname
- BIKES : All Allowed
- PU's : Disabled
- HRM : Heart rate monitor required for category wins.
- 5WKG : Riders over 5wkg will require ZADA approval to be included in official results.
- ZPOWER : zPower riders aren't eligible for category wins.
- RESULTS : Official results can be found @ www.zwiftpower.comOpens a new window
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(Europe) a new window
(Americas) a new window
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The Ages Racing League has been designed to group Zwift racers into competitive age related categories (see below).
The leagues (Europe & Americas) run for 10 weeks with a riders best 8 race results counting towards final standings.
It is essential that all participants are honest and select the correct pen/category below which correlates to their current age.
- PEN ( A ) : 38 years and UNDER
- PEN ( B ) : 39 to 46 years young
- PEN ( C ) : 47 to 51 years young
- PEN ( D ) : 52 years and OVER
- Please add your age after your surname
- BIKES : All Allowed
- PU's : Disabled
- HRM : Heart rate monitor required for category wins.
- 5WKG : Riders over 5wkg will require ZADA approval to be included in official results.
- ZPOWER : zPower riders aren't eligible for category wins.
- RESULTS : Official results can be found @ www.zwiftpower.comOpens a new window
Ages Leagues -
(Europe) a new window
(Americas) a new window
Join the BRT EventZ Group - a new window
BRT EventZ Page - a new window
Join the BRT EventZ Discord Channels for in game communication - a new window
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.