Saturday, October 19th
Bei diesem Event ist Folgendes erforderlich:
Kategorie wird durchgesetzt.
HerD Beginner Race (HBR) is intended as an introduction to racing event that is a scratch race meaning you should only focus on your finish position. HBR uses Zwift Racing Score.
Categories for this event are 0-150, 150-250, 250-325, 325-400, and 400-450. Racers within a band will only see and be racing against racers within their band (i.e. Racers within the 0-200 band will only see and race against those in that band).
Each week HBR races will have a different focus; racing on a flat route, undulating, small climbs, and a route that is commonly used in many Zwift racing events. In addition, the last race of the month will be Tick-Tock so that you can monitor your performance.
Categories for this event are 0-150, 150-250, 250-325, 325-400, and 400-450. Racers within a band will only see and be racing against racers within their band (i.e. Racers within the 0-200 band will only see and race against those in that band).
Each week HBR races will have a different focus; racing on a flat route, undulating, small climbs, and a route that is commonly used in many Zwift racing events. In addition, the last race of the month will be Tick-Tock so that you can monitor your performance.
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.